
After years of seeing clients severely confused and disheartened by being run through the medical system, and a lack of understanding in the general community, it has become clear that there are many knowledge gaps and misconceptions with respect to health and healing. Not to mention a lack in quality treatment, both physical and mental.   After seeing countless drastic improvements using simple therapeutic work and teaching simple principles of healing and development, we are inspired to continue demystifying the healing process and make it as practical and accessible for everyone.

Our general aim of ‘Authentic Edge’ is to fill the gaps in the current health system, and empower people to have more awareness, responsibility and have more control of their own health and lives.

The ultimate goal of Authentic Edge is to facilitate your healing and growth process by helping you understand yourself better, identify the blocks, heal any trauma, and change the destructive patters of behaviour, thought, emotions, or movement, which created the problem in the first place.  Looking to the underlying causes and resolving and healing these so that you can move through the unnecessary pain and friction, and live a more enriched, authentic life.

About Andrew

Andrew has worked as a remedial therapist – or deep tissue specialist – over the last 4 years and is adept at identifying the behavioural causes behind why a person may be experiencing pain or discomfort.

He has developed efficient and effective strategies to help identify and heal immediate issues, as well as assisting clients with developing physical training programs to target specific performance goals.

He began his professional career as a civil engineer, but his passion for health and development drew him towards a career in human growth and healing.

“Civil Engineering to Holistic Health might seem like a strange transition, but it’s not that different! …… Before, I was analysing systems of civil infrastructure. Now I analyse systems of the human body. Mental, Physical, and Emotional patterns.”

More recently Andrew’s interest in holistic health has lead to study of psychology, philosophy, linguistics and physiology, as well as qualifications in Personal Training, Remedial Massage, Meditation, and Reiki.

Andrew always had an interested in performance development, and has been heavily involved in various sports, including competitive football since 2011.

His passion lies in the holistic nature of health and how the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual elements overlap and interact.

Andrew’s overall goal is to kickstart the healing process as well as assist clients in understanding themselves better so they can develop the skillsets required to get the most out of their minds and bodies, and optimise themselves in the complex balancing act of life.


  • Diploma of Remedial Massage
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology and Physiology) (Monash University)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy and Linguistics) (Monash University)
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Monash University)
  • Certificate 3 and 4 in Personal Training and Fitness
  • Deep tissue massage with emphasis on shoulder and back muscles, plus treatments for sports issues

   Truth            |            Healing            |           Growth 

Truth – To start understanding ourselves and ultimately making better decisions and actions, we first need to get real about our situations.  Who are we really? What do we really want? What is truly motivating us? What are our destructive patterns and bad programming which causes most conflict and pain? Once we get real and identify the truths, then we can go to work letting go of what’s not working, and healing the pain.

Healing – It takes courage to heal because it means actively engaging with the uncomfortable pain points. It can require admitting that your previous patterns, although somewhat useful, may not optimal, and that you would benefit from an upgrade.  It takes humility and courage to let go of the old dysfunctional patterns, to try something new and create new pathways.

Growth – Growth happens on the border of challenge and support. Growth is a natural process which happens when we are given the right conditions to flourish.  Allowing a plant to grow, or a human life to evolve in its own miraculous way is a non-linear and dynamic process. As plants grows, crystals forms, or humans develop, the best environment for that to occur is in a supportive environment where. The right conditions are curiosity, fun, compassion, persistence, …..incremental progression, consistency,  and accepting that ‘failure’ is just a concept, and that setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, and that this is where the lessons lie. Perfection is just a mental construct. All there is, is growth or stagnation 🙂 Get in the arena and play!

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